Located on a small expansion shelf about midway between the Third and Fourth Circles, Musical Hell is presided over by Diva, a minor demon charged with passing judgement on the worst musicals ever committed to film. (She still hasn't figured out if this is their punishment or hers.) Take a seat on the bench and have your earplugs ready, because court is now in session.

New videos posted on the first Monday of the month. Other viewpoints, news, and general ramblings posted when they crop up.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

What Emilia Perez Teaches Us About How Not to Make a Musical (Know the Score)

 Emilia Perez has generated a lot of talk for all the wrong reasons. And on top of all that, it's not very good at being a musical. Here's me explaining why.


Friday, December 27, 2024

Musical Hell TV: Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer

 It's time for the Christmas riff! Well, it's a little past time, because copyright fun times, Said fun times also means there's some assembly required on this one. Here's the audio riff:


 And here's the movie on Dailymotion:


Happy Holidays, everyone!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Let's Talk WICKED: PART ONE! (With Jess, Emily, and Tommy)

 Come on, you know I gotta talk about the biggest musical movie of the year! And bring the biggest musical geeks I know to join in the fun!

Monday, September 30, 2024

At the Source: Smiles of a Summer Night dir. Ingmar Bergman

 Have you ever seen a sex farce that, like, got really introspective and moody? I have, since I'm taking a look at Smiles of a Summer Night!

Monday, August 19, 2024

Know the Score: (Another) Top Five Opening Numbers

 Hey, remember a long time ago when I did a list of some of my favorite opening numbers? Well, here's some more!

Monday, July 29, 2024

Musical Hell TV: The Magic Flute

 Yes, the latest Musical Hell TV riff is taking a look at Mozart's classic Freemason acid trip! Well, a half-hour animated abridgement of it, anyway. Don't worry, the uncomfortably outdated views of race and gender are entirely intact.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Diva Reacts: 2024 Tony Award Performances

 I'm getting caught up on the latest musicals, and you get to watch--and freak out about Eddie Redmayne's Emcee.